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Books by Igmade

5 Codes(1st Edition)
von Gerd De Bruyn, Iassen Markov, Stephan Trüby, Daniel Hundsdörfer, Ulrike Brandi, Igmade, Christoph Geissmar-Brandi, Birkhã¤User Architecture
Paperback, 299 Seiten, Veröffentlicht 2006 von Birkhäuser Architecture
ISBN-13: 978-3-7643-7598-0, ISBN: 3-7643-7598-1

"When the World Trade Center's Twin Towers collapsed into a heap of rubble and ash, the United States government created the Department of Homeland Security. Its primary task is to keep the terrorist threat in permanent view. To do this, it developed a five-stage warning system based on the colors green, blue, yellow, orange, and red: 5 codes. The hypnotic character of this system prompted the editors of this book to conceive a history ..."

Alle Autoren


Ulrike Brandi

Birkhã User Architecture

Christoph Geissmar-Brandi

Iassen Markov

Gerd De Bruyn

Daniel Hundsdörfer

Stephan Trüby